While we all eagerly remember to put our safety apparel like knee guards, helmets and goggles on whenever we prepare to participate in our favourite sport, we’re often forgetting about one very important item: our mouthguards.
Mouthguards in sport are necessary to avoid permanent injury to your teeth, mouth, jaw, head and neck. While it is usually prescribed when you play contact sport like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it is also a good idea to wear a mouthguard even if you’re playing a non-contact sport.
They say prevention is better than cure. It’s definitely true when playing sport. Wearing a mouthguard can lessen the impact a fall or blow to the head have on your jaw, chin, lips, tongue as well as your cheeks.
What types of mouthguards are there when you are playing sport?
Over the counter
Mouthguards that you can buy over the counter are usually the cheapest form and readily available. While they’re not as good as their customised counterparts, they are still a great protection barrier and can greatly assist in avoiding permanent damage. They are usually available in various sizes and even colours, but they are known for being bulky. It’s usually difficult to speak or breathe properly when you have one of these mouthguards in your mouth.
DIY forming
This type of mouthguard is widely-known as the boil and byte type. That is because you put it in boiling water so that it becomes more flexible and then you put it in your mouth and bite down on it so that it moulds itself around your teeth. They are usually available over the counter and are a bit more expensive than the other option as mentioned above, but much cheaper than its custom-made counterpart. More on the custom-made mouthguard below.
Custom-made mouthguards are usually the type worn by professional athletes. It’s important to know that you don’t have to be a professional in a specific sport to wear a custom-made mouthguard. This type is usually more expensive than the other options because it is specifically shaped and moulded to fit the exact measurements of your mouth, teeth and jaw. Dentists usually recommend custom-made mouthguards for sport because it’s the safest option and can be made to cover both your upper and lower teeth. If you are wearing braces, this is the best option because not only will this custom-made mouthguard protect your teeth, but also the actual braces.
You look after your teeth off the field by brushing them at least twice a day, flossing regularly and practicing general oral health. So, why not look after your teeth on the field as well? Using a mouthguard while playing sport can prevent long-term and painful injuries and ensure that you are ready for that big, healthy smile when you lift the trophy.
Speak to your dentist about having a custom-made mouthguard made for your teeth. It is a good idea to wear it not only when you’re participating in a match, but also when you’re practicing.